53 Self-Care Activities To Get Into The Christmas Spirit

The holidays are a busy season, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t make time for our self-care. In fact, it is even more important! And lucky us, there are plenty of self-care activities to come up with within the Christmas theme.

Even though it’s important to continue to invest time in self-care, that doesn’t have to detract from the Christmas spirit. Just take a look at this list of self-care activities with a touch of Christmas.

Self-Care Activities To Get Into The Spirit Of Christmas

Photo credits: Taryn Elliott (via Pexels)

Invest in self-care during the holidays

During the holiday season, a lot is happening. We have Christmas, NYE, and depending on where you live you might also celebrate Thanksgiving or another holiday.

It is a period in which we often spend a lot of time with family and friends. But it can also be a difficult period for some people.

Due to the many activities, emotions, stress, and organization, it can be a period that requires a lot of energy from you. All the more important is that you keep taking good care of yourself.

By paying attention to your self-care during this hectic period, you ensure that you can enjoy it as best as possible.

Christmas-themed self-care activities

Self-care is quite broad, and due to that, there is a very long list of self-care activities to come up with. And the best thing is that we can very easily give many of these activities a touch of Christmas.

When we talk about the power of self-care, we can divide it into 7 different types; physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual, professional, and financial self-care.

However, if you ask me, financial and professional self-care are less relevant to getting into the Christmas spirit. That is why I didn’t include these two in the list below, and instead added two other elements: creative and other relaxation activities.

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Social self-care activities

  1. Host a cookie exchange with friends
  2. Create personalized presents for friends and family
  3. Write holiday cards to friends and family
  4. Volunteer: help those in need through initiatives
  5. Organize a Secret Santa exchange
  6. Do a random act of kindness: spread holiday cheer to strangers
  7. Play holiday board games
  8. Donate to a charity
  9. Host a holiday trivia night
  10. Have a winter picnic
  11. Organize an evening at a bonfire
  12. Host a Christmas dinner for friends
  13. Visit a Christmas market

Mental self-care activities

  1. Read Christmas stories under a warm blanket
  2. Complete a holiday puzzle
  3. Write a Christmas poem
  4. Create a holiday vision board
  5. Make a Christmas drawing or painting
  6. Write a letter to Santa: get in touch with your inner child and make a wish

Related article: Self-Care Activities to Improve Your Mental Health

Emotional and spiritual self-care activities

  1. Reflect on what you’re thankful for last year
  2. Follow a breathing exercise
  3. Participate in a Christmas-themed yoga flow
  4. Follow a guided meditation to release holiday stress
  5. Make a gratitude jar: fill it with things you’re grateful for
  6. Set intentions for the upcoming year

Physical self-care activities

  1. Take a hot bath with a Christmas bath bomb
  2. Take an evening stroll through the decorated streets
  3. Go ice skating
  4. Join a Christmas-themed workout in your local gym
  5. Go sledding or tubing
  6. Have a DIY spa day

Related article: 45 Habits To Improve Your Physical Health On a Daily Basis

Creative activities

  1. Bake gingerbread cookies
  2. Build a gingerbread house
  3. Have a hot chocolate bar
  4. Try new holiday recipes
  5. Make homemade mulled cider
  6. Decorate your home
  7. Create DIY ornaments and decorations for the tree
  8. Decorate an outdoor winter scene
  9. Decorate a wreath for your front door
  10. Create a DIY advent calendar
  11. Create a holiday scrapbook
  12. Decorate your own holiday-themed mugs
  13. Make DIY scented candles like cinnamon and pine
  14. Make paper snowflakes

Other relaxation activities

  1. Have a holiday movie marathon
  2. Listen to Christmas stories
  3. Create your own Christmas playlist
  4. Listen to Christmas music all-day
  5. Watch all Home Alone movies
  6. Attend a Christmas play in the theater
  7. Watch the stars by a bonfire
  8. Wear Christmas pyjamas all-day

Choose your Christmas self-care activities

As you can see, there are enough activities to choose from. How are you going to invest in your self-care this holiday season? Let us know in the comments, also if you have any additional activity ideas.

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12 responses to “53 Self-Care Activities To Get Into The Christmas Spirit”
  1. Tracy McHugh

    I love all of these! I went ice skating a few years ago and loved it.

  2. Great article!💕

  3. I love how your advice is to the point. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Kirsten Smith

    Great ideas!

  5. These are such great ideas! I feel like we often get so caught up in the holiday ‘stuff’ that we forget to take care of ourselves, which is SO important!

  6. Sophia

    Such a great list of ideas! I will definitely try to find some time for more of these 🙂

  7. Great article on self-care! I enjoy a good holiday movie marathon!

  8. Merritt

    I love these ideas! I can’t wait to do a cookie party!

  9. I love these ideas! The holidays always go so fast I love that so many of the ideas involve reflecting and connecting with loved ones.

  10. Got me in the holiday mood already! 🙂 Can’t wait for the classic Fall “Harry Potter” movie marathon, followed by all my favorite Christmas movies:)

  11. I like how you have broken the self care activities into categories – social, mental, emotional, physical, creative and other relaxation. I like the creative activity ideas the most. Thank you for sharing!

  12. The holidays can be so stressful – I love this list of suggestions to help combat it!

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