When a Perfectionist Starts a Blog

And then you, a perfectionist, decide to just do it. Starting a blog. Again.

Yes, you read that correctly; again. Because as a teenager and a student, I have had multiple blogs.

I always loved writing. Take things out of my head and put it on a piece of paper (or Word document). These blogs were never serious, but I enjoyed the process and finding my own voice.

However, there was always one part of me why I never continued for more than a few months. Maybe just once, I reached the 1-year mark. Hereby I would like to introduce my personal perfectionist.

As a perfectionist, I was always in doubt that what I did, wasn’t good enough. Couldn’t it be better? I was always afraid that no one would like it.

So most things I wrote, I never showed to the world. It could always better. At least that’s what I thought. Due to that, it happened quite often that I wrote something, rewrote it a thousand times, and then threw it away.

It took me some years, but now as a 27-year-old female, I realize that life doesn’t need to be perfect. Neither does your work. Even though some people on social media make you think it should be. Don’t listen to them.

And yes, I still have these thoughts (I am not perfect). I mean; I bought this domain in September 2022, and this is my first column… In the past seven months I was trying to find the perfect setup for this website…

Hello there my personal perfectionist… Again.

But now I decided it’s time – time to just write what comes up in my mind. And that’s what I am doing now, and how I will do it with all my upcoming columns.

I have to push myself, and I just told my personal perfectionist that we will publish this first column today. I am allowed to re-read it and make some changes regarding grammar and readability, but this will be published on the same day as I started writing it.

My website won’t be perfect and neither am I. And that’s perfect for me!

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Hi there, I am Resy! Here on Femmelution I hope to inspire women to invest in their personal development to become their most empowered selves. In my bi-weekly column I write about my own experiences within this topic, but also about anything else that is on top of my mind lately.