Right now you are visiting the website of Femmelution, and by doing so, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. In case you have any questions about this, please reach out to us via the contact page.
All content from Femmelution is copyrighted. This includes (but is not limited to) written content, images, videos and, (free) downloadable digital products.
Regarding the images supporting our content; they are made by ourselves (photographed or illustrated), embedded via social media (which is always visible), or from free stock websites.
It is not allowed to copy and/or sell any content from Femmelution as your own in any form (online and offline). In case you want to use something, always reach out to us via our contact page.
Femmelution is a low-key lifestyle blog for female millennials – written by an ordinary female millennial. All content on this website has been created with care and passion, with the aim of being as complete and accurate as possible. However, we cannot guarantee that errors will occur here and there, and – if so – we cannot be held liable for them.
External links
This website contains multiple links to external websites. These links can refer to other blogs, webshops, social media, travel-related marketplaces, etc. Femmelution is not liable for the content (quality) on these websites and/or the way they handle your personal data. Read the privacy policy, disclaimers, and other legal pages of these websites. In case of any questions or problems, you should reach out to them directly.
Affiliate links
Some external links on this website may be affiliate links. When used, we might receive a (small) compensation if you buy something via that link. If there is an affiliate link in an article, this will be mentioned at the top of the article by using an affiliate disclosure. Please read our disclosure for more information about this.
Limitation of liability
On Femmelution we share personal stories, inspiration, and tips. However, we do not claim to be experts on any of these topics and the content comes from personal experiences. For this reason, Femmelution cannot be held liable for any (in)direct loss or damage, resulting from your actions after using the content that is offered on this website.
Femmelution reserves the rights to make changes to these Terms and Conditions at any time. At the bottom of this page, you will find when they were last modified.
Contact us
If you have any questions regarding the Terms and Conditions, please reach out to us via the contact page.
[updated: June 2023]